当前位置: 基础地质


作者: 王德有




开本:889×1194 1/16开页数:320




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第1章 地层研究
1.1 概况(Introduction)
1.2 地质、地层研究史及工作程度(The research history and working present situation o11 geology and stratigraphy)
1.3 河南省晚白垩世地层分布及其特征(The distribution and characteristics of Late Cretaceous strata in Henan Province)
第2章 恐龙的起源和进化
2.1“恐龙”名称的由来(The origin of Chinese term dinosaur
2.2 恐龙的起源和进化(The origin and evolution of dinosaurs)
2.3 恐龙家族的繁衍生息——恐龙家谱(The family tree of dinosaurs)
2.4 含恐龙蛋化石地层中的恐龙及其他化石(The dinosaur and other fossils in the dinosaur egg-bearing strata)
2.5 脊椎动物进化的划时代变革——羊膜卵的诞生(The big changes during vertebrate eVolution——The birth of the amnion egg)
第3章 恐龙的生态习性及生活方式
3.1 恐龙的生态习性(The ecological behaviour)
3.1.1 恐龙吃什么喝什么?(The food and drink of dinosaurs)
3.1.2 恐龙的粪便和尿(The feces and urine)
3.1.3 恐龙的迁徙、群居及“狩猎”行为(The migration,communal and hunting behaviour)
3.1.4 恐龙的产卵和筑巢(The egg-laying and nesting)
3.1.5 恐龙蛋的孵化和恐龙的亲子行为(The egg's incubation and nurturance)
3.2 恐龙的生活栖息地及产蛋场所(The life habitat and egg-laying environment)
3.3 何种恐龙产何种蛋(The egg-laying dinosaur)
3.4 河南恐龙产蛋场所的生态古地理概貌(The survey of eco-paleogeography for egg-laying in Henan Province)
第4章 恐龙蛋化石的发现、研究、分类及特征
4.1 世界和中国最早发现的恐龙蛋化石(The earliest discovered dinosaur eggs in the world and in China)
4.2 河南省恐龙蛋化石的首次发现(The earliest discovered dinosaur eggs in Henan Province)
4.3 中国的恐龙蛋化石研究(The research of dinosaur eggs in China)
4.4 恐龙蛋化石的分类和命名(The taxonomy and nomenclature of dinosaur eggs)
4.4.1 恐龙蛋化石分类方法的历史回顾(The historic retrospect of taxonomic methods of dinosaur eggs)
4.4.2 恐龙蛋化石的分类和命名(Taxonomy and nomenclature of dinosaur eggs)
4.5 中国恐龙蛋化石的系统分类(The systematic taxonomy of dinosaur eggs in China)
4.6 恐龙蛋的蛋壳结构和物质成分(The eggshell structure and composition of dinosaur eggs)
4.6.1 恐龙蛋的蛋壳结构(The eggshell structure)
4.6.2 恐龙蛋蛋壳的矿物成分(The mineralogic component of eggshells)
4.6.3 恐龙蛋蛋壳的化学成分(The chemical composition of eggshells)
4.6.4 恐龙蛋蛋壳的微量元素(The microelement of eggshells)
4.6.5 恐龙蛋蛋壳碳、氧同位素组成特征(The constituent characteristics of carbon and oxygen isotopes in eggshells)
4.6.6 恐龙蛋蛋壳内的物质成分(The material composition in eggshells)
4.7 恐龙蛋化石的世界之最(The first about dinosaur eggs in the world)
4.7.1 最长的和最小的恐龙蛋化石(The longest dinosaur eggs and the smallest dinosaur eggs)
4.7.2 最古老的恐龙蛋化石(The oldest dinosaur eggs)
4.7.3 最古老的含有恐龙胚胎骨骼化石的恐龙蛋(The oldest dinosaur eggs bearing embryos)
4.7.4 中国第一次发现的恐龙蛋化石(The first dinosaur eggs discovered in China)
4.7.5 世界上最大的恐龙蛋化石产地(The largest locality of dinosaur eggs in the world)
4.8 中国和河南省的恐龙蛋化石(Dinosaur eggsfrom China and Henan Province)
4.9 南阳的恐龙蛋化石(Dinosaur eggs in Nanyang City)
4.9.1 西峡县境内的恐龙蛋化石(Dinosaur eggs in Xixia County)
4.9.2 淅川县境内的恐龙蛋化石(Dinosaur eggs in Xichuan County)
4.9.3 内乡县境内的恐龙蛋化石(Dinosaur eggs in Neixiang County)
4.9.4 南阳恐龙蛋化石群(Dinosaur colonial egg nests in Nanyang)
4.10 识别真假恐龙蛋化石(Identification of true dinosaur eggs)
4.11 对恐龙蛋化石进行DNA及CT扫描研究之评述(The evaluation of DNA and CT scanning researches for dinosaur eggs)
第5章 与恐龙蛋化石共生的其他门类化石及其组合特征
5.1 介形类化石(The ostracods)
5.2 叶肢介化石(The conchostracans)
5.3 轮藻化石(The charophytes)
5.4 双壳类化石(The bivalves)
5.5 腹足类化石(The gastropods)
5.6 孢粉化石(The spores and pollens)
5.6.1 西峡盆地的孢粉化石(The spores and pollens in Xixia Basin)
5.6.2 夏馆-高丘和五里川盆地的孢粉化石(The spores and pollens in Xiaguan-Gaoqiu and Wulichuan Basins)
5.6.3 邓州邓参1井的孢粉化石(The spores and pollens from stratigraphic test-D1 in Dengzhou City)
5.7 遗迹化石(The ichnofossils)
第6章 恐龙蛋化石的分布规律
6.1 恐龙蛋化石在各个“红色盆地(凹陷)”中的分布(Distribution of dinosaur eggs in the various red-bed basins)
6.1.1 西峡盆地(Xixia Basin)
6.1.2 淅川盆地(Xichuan Basin)
6.1.3 李富桥凹陷(Liguanglao Depression)
6.1.4 夏馆-高丘盆地(Xiaguan-Gaoqiu Basin)
6.1.5 五里川盆地(Wulichuan Basin)
6.1.6 平昌关和罗山凹陷(Pingchangguan and Luoshan Depressions)
6.1.7 项城凹陷(Xiangcheng Depression)
6.1.8 留山盆地(Liushan Basin)
6.2 含恐龙蛋化石的代表性地层剖面(The typical stratigraphic sections of dinosaur egg-bearing strata)
6.2.1 西峡盆地(Xixia Basin)
6.2.2 夏馆-高丘盆地(Xiaguan-Gaoqiu Basin)
6.2.3 五里川盆地(Wulichuan Basin)
6.2.4 淅川盆地(Xichuan Basin)
6.2.5 李官桥凹陷(Liguanqiao Depression)
6.2.6 潭头盆地(Tantou Basin)
6.2.7 项城凹陷(Xiangcheng Depression)
6.2.8 平昌关凹陷(Pingchangguan Depression)
6.2.9 潢川凹陷(Huangchuan Depression)
6.3 含恐龙蛋化石地层的岩石学特征(The petrological characteristics of dinosaur egg-bearing strata)
6.3.1 岩石组合特征(Composition characteristics of rocks)
6.4 含恐龙蛋化石的地层划分及其对比(Stratigraphic division and correlation of dinosaur egg-bearing strata)
第7章 恐龙蛋化石群的时代及白垩系与古近系的分界
7.1 关于热河生物群(About the Jehol Biota)
7.2 早、晚白垩世的地层(The strata of the Early and Late Cretaceous)
7.2.1 岩石组合特征(Rock assemblages)
7.2.2 古生物化石组合特征(Paleontologic fossil assemblages)
7.3 白垩系与古近系的分界(The boundarybetween the Cretaceous and Paleogene)
7.3.1 岩石组合特征(Rock assemblages)
7.3.2 古生物化石组合特征(Paleontologic fossil assemblages)
7.4 西峡盆地含恐龙蛋化石地层时代归属问题(The chronological problem of dinosaur egg-bearing strata in Xixia Basin)
第8章 恐龙蛋化石的埋藏学及古生态学
8.1 含恐龙蛋化石岩层的岩性(Lithology of dinosaur egg-bearing beds)
8.2 恐龙产蛋环境及恐龙蛋化石埋藏学(埋藏类型、排列方式)(Egg-laying environment of the dinosaurs and the taphonomy of eggs)
8.2.1 恐龙蛋化石的埋藏特征(The burial pattern of dinosaur eggs)
8.2.2 恐龙蛋化石埋藏的古地理环境(Paleogeographic settings of dinosaur eggs)
8.2.3 恐龙的生活方式、生态习性(The life style and ecological behaviour of the dinosaurs)
8.3 恐龙蛋化石在岩层中的保存形式及其分布(Burial mode and distribution of dinosaur eggs within the layer)
8.3.1 恐龙蛋化石在岩层中的保存形式(Burial mode of dinosaur eggs in beds)
8.3.2 恐龙蛋化石在岩层中的分布(Distribution of dinosaur eggs in beds)
8.3.3 恐龙蛋与恐龙骨骼化石共生(Symbiosis of dinosaur eggs and skeletons)
8.3.4 恐龙蛋与其他生物门类化石共生(Symbiosis of dinosaur eggs and other fossils)
8.3.5 恐龙蛋化石的共生组合特征(Symbiotic association of dinosaur eggs)
8.4 西峡盆地恐龙蛋化石的富集机理(The mechanism of large enrichment of dinosaur eggs in Xixia Basin)
8.4.1 恐龙的高产蛋率(The high ratio of egg-laying in dinosaurs)
8.4.2 恐龙的群居或杂居习性(The communal or mixed inhabitation of dinosaurs)
8.4.3 恐龙产卵的季节性(The seasonality of egg-laying for dinosaurs)
8.4.4 恐龙蛋孵化率偏低(The low level of hatching ratio of dinosaur eggs)
8.4.5 快速埋藏和稳定的地质构造环境(Rapid burial and stable geological setting)
8.5 恐龙蛋化石为何“镶嵌”在“石板”之下?(Why were dinosaur eggs hanged on the flagstone?)
8.6 西峡盆地恐龙蛋化石群遗迹形成的古地理环境分析(The analyses on paleogeographic setting for the heritages of dinosaur egg colony in Xixia Basin)
9.1 含恐龙蛋化石群“红层”沉积盆地发育的区域构造背景(Regional tectonic settings of the red sedimentary basin of dinosaur egg-bearing colony)
9.2 盆地的形态和类型(The shape and type of basin)
9.2.1 盆地形态(The shape of the basin)
9.2.2 盆地类型(The type of the basin)
9.3 物源区及盆地的充填演化(The provenance and evolution of the basin)
9.4 古水流体系及其变化(Paleocurrent system and its change)
9.5 沉积相类型及古地理概述(The type of sedimentary facies and outline of paleogeography)
9.5.1 沉积相类型(The type of sedimentary facies)
9.5.2 古地理概述(The outline of paleogeography)
9.6 盆地构造-沉积环境特征(The tectono-sedimentary setting of the basin)
9.7 粒度、微量元素及有机碳分析(The analyses of granularity and microelement and organic-carbon)
9.7.1 粒度分析(The granulometric analysis)
9.7.2 微量元素及有机碳分析(The analyses of microelement and organic-carbon)
9.7.3 古气候(The Paleoclimate)
第10章 河南的恐龙化石
10.1 有关恐龙的一般常识(The general knowledge about dinosaurs)
10.1.1 漫话“龙”和恐龙(Dragons and dinosaurs)
10.1.2 恐龙都是庞然大物吗?(Were all dinosaurs huge monsters?)
10.1.3 恐龙的世界之最(The firsts in dinosaur world)
10.2 河南的恐龙化石(The dinosaur skeletons in Henan Province)
10.2.1 诸葛南阳龙(Nanyangosaurus zhugeii)
10.2.2 栾川的恐龙化石(The dinosaur skeletons in Luanchuan,Henan Province)
10.2.3 汝阳的恐龙化石(The dinosaur skeletons in Ruyang,Henan Province)
10.2.4 其他恐龙骨骼和足迹化石(Other dinosaur skeletons and footprints)
第11章 恐龙集群灭绝及地球灾变事件
11.1 集群灭绝(Mass extinction)
11.2 集群灭绝和重大地质灾变事件(Mass extinction and significant geological catastrophic event)
11.3 对主要恐龙灭绝学说的评介(Evaluation on main theories of dinosaur extinction)
11.4 恐龙灭绝过程和灭绝问题探讨(The extinction course and extinction events of dinosaurs)
11.4.1 恐龙的突然灭绝令世人关注(People believe the sudden extinction of dinosaurs)
11.4.2 白垩纪末期主要生物门类发育概况(The outlines of main biologic groups in the latest Cretaceous)
11.4.3 恐龙灭绝的内因(The internal factors of dinosaur extinction)
11.4.4 恐龙灭绝的外因(The extrinsic factors of dinosaur extinction)
11.5 对地外物体撞击灭绝假说的评述(The evaluation on the impact extinction theory from extraterrestrial bodies)
11.5.1 铱(Ir)异常不一定是地外成因(Iridium anomaly isn't always the extrinsic genesis)
11.5.2 恐龙等生物的灭绝与撞击事件可能没有直接关系(Perhaps no direct relationship between the organic extinction of dinosaurs etc.and impact event)
11.5.3 微球粒的成因(The origin of micropellet)
11.5.4 对撞击尘的蔽光效应和全球食物链中断的质疑(Query on the photophobic effect of impact dust and the global food chain interruption)
11.5.5 撞击灭绝假说支持者之间存在分歧(Existing differences among the supporters of impact extinction hypothesis)
11.6 白垩纪末期生物灭绝模式的探讨(Discussion on the biological extinction model of the latest Cretaceous)
11.7 恐龙灭绝的警示(Caution from dinosaur extinction)
附录1 中国常见的恐龙化石名录(中—拉对照、拉—中对照)
附录2 世界上常见的恐龙化石名录(拉—中对照)
附录3 中国常见的恐龙蛋化石名录(中—拉对照、拉—中对照)
附录4 各时代常见的恐龙化石(Common dinosaur fossils)

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